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Third party terminals connection

Omnicomm Online allows connection of third-party terminals. In this section we provide an up-to-date list of manufacturers and models of the supported terminals. parameters for their connection.

Manufacturer Name Port ID
Arsa Group ARSA 15354 IMEI
Advantum(Wialon Retranslator)Advantum 15331 IMEI
Agatodemon Agatodemon 15263 IMEI
Arnavi Integral 15320 IMEI
Arnavi Integral 2 15321 IMEI
Arnavi Arnavi 3/4 15175 IMEI
AssetLink AP (AssetPack) 15341 IMEI
ATrack AT5W 15256 IMEI
Autocop Trackpro Autocop TL-2000 15225 IMEI
Autocop Trackpro Autocop Autocop TLI 1000 15225 IMEI
AutoTracker AT65i(Wialon IPS) 15329 IMEI
BS Technotronics BSTPL_17 15391 IMEI
Baltic Car Equipment FM Blue/Light 15171
Bitrek Bitrek 15281 IMEI
CalAmp CALAMP 15289 IMEI
Cellocator Cello 15198 ID
cGuard cGuard 15200 IMEI
Contienintal Contienintal+ACK 15333 S/N
Digital Systems Poland Tytan SAT DS520 15258 S/N
Duotec DTM 15303 IMEI
Ecotelematics NaviFleet ET100 15211 ID (Sim ID)
ERM Advanced Telematics StarLink Tracker 15204 IMEI
Falcom STEPP II 15242 IMEI
Falcom Stepp III 15203 IMEI
GalileoSky Galileo 2.2.8 15156 IMEI
GalileoSky Galileo 5.0 15156 IMEI
Geosafe G717 15189 IMEI
GlobalSat GTR-128 15249 IMEI
IRZ iON Base 15223 IMEI
IRZ iON Pro 15223 IMEI
iTriangle TS101 15287 ID
ITS-soft MVT-17L3 15248 Freely
Kingneed TK-20 15291 IMEI
Magic System MS PGSM4 11111 S/N
Maxtrack MXT-140 15224 ID
Maxtrack MXT-141 15224 ID
Meitrack MT90 15226 IMEI
Multi Portal RST-VT 15205 S/N
Naviset GT-20 15157 ID
Naviset GT-20 15157 ID
Neotech Electronics Neotech TR1000 15208 IMEI
Novacom GNS 15168 IMEI
NVS Navitrek UM-02 15160 IMEI
NVS Navitrek UM-04 15210 IMEI
NVS Signal S-2115 15162 IMEI
NVS Signal S-2117 15162 IMEI
ODM TrackOneGps GS300 15252 IMEI
ODM TrackOneGps GS3MINI 15252 IMEI
Queclink GV300 15192 IMEI
Queclink GV320 15192 IMEI
Ruptela FM3 15194 IMEI
Ruptela FM Plug4+ 15194 IMEI
Satellite Solutions SAT-LITE 15266 S/N
SkyPatrol TT8750 15190 IMEI
SkyPatrol TT8750+ 15193 ID
SpaceTeam STAB Liner 15183 ID
SpaceTeam STAB Patrol 15183 ID
Standard STD 8 15163 7 last
figures of
StarLine M15 15235 IMEI
StarLine M17 15236 IMEI
Suntech ST215 15186 ID
Suntech ST240 15186 ID
Suntech ST300 15218 ID
Suntech ST340 15218 ID
Teltonika Teltonika Professional Codec 8 (Ext) 15353 IMEI
Teltonika Teltonika Professional Codec 8 15352 IMEI
Teltonika Teltonika Codec 8 (Ext) 15351 IMEI
Teltonika Teltonika Codec 8 15350 IMEI
Teltonika FM1000 15276 IMEI
Teltonika FM1100 15155 IMEI
Teltonika FM1125 15261 IMEI
Teltonika FM1200 15155 IMEI
Teltonika FM2200 15155 IMEI
Teltonika FM4100 15167 IMEI
Teltonika FM4200 15167 IMEI
Teltonika FM5300 15155 IMEI
Teltonika FM5500 15155 IMEI
Teltonika FMA 110/120 15298 IMEI
Teltonika GH4000 15275 IMEI
Teltonika FMB900/920 15299 IMEI
Teltonika FMB125 15305 IMEI
Teltonika FM1010 15276 IMEI
Teltonika FMB001 15307 IMEI
Teltonika FMB010 15308 IMEI
Teltonika FM1122 15261 IMEI
Teltonika FMB640 15344 IMEI
Teswell Teswell 15279 ID
Trimble TAP66 15214 ID
Visiontek 87VTU 15288 ID
Ritm Voyager 2N 15297 ID
AutoFon Autofon Mayak 15230 IMEI
Arusnavi Arusnavi (Azimut) 15161 S/N
GK SKAUT Scout MT-500 15272 S/N
GK SKAUT Scout MT-600 Pro Open 15273 S/N
GK SKAUT Scout RX Extended 15268 S/N
GK SKAUT Scout RX Extended v2 15253 S/N
GK SKAUT Scout MT-700 Pro 15271 S/N
GK SKAUT ScoutOpen 15254 S/N
GK SKAUT ScoutOpen 2 15270 S/N
GLONASS Omnicomm Mayak 15216 IMEI
Incotex Mercury TA-001 15152 IMEI
KB Navigator Lineguard S/N
Kvant Kurs 7 15250 S/N
KZTA Kasbi DT-20 15165 S/N
Locarus Locarus 702x 15170 S/N
M2M-Telematika M2M-Avelon G6 15182 S/N
M2M-Telematika M2M-Cyber GLX 15166 S/N
Micro Line Autoscan GPS (NIS) 15215 ID
Mintrans of Russia EGTS 15255 IMEI
Navtelekom Smart-2330 15228 IMEI
Navteleсom Signal-2550 15228 IMEI
Navteleсom Signal-2551 15228 IMEI
Navteleсom Smart-2332 15228 IMEI
Navteleсom Smart-2333 15228 IMEI
Navteleсom FLEX 15228 IMEI
Neomatika ADM-100 15173 IMEI
Neomatika ADM-300 15181 IMEI
Neomatika ADM-600 15182 IMEI
Neomatika ADM-700 15267 IMEI
Neomatika ADM-007 15306 IMEI
Orbita Orbita.Navigator.01 15164 S/N
Orbita Orbita.Navigator.02 15164 S/N
Orbita Orbita.Navigator.03 15164 S/N
Retranslator NIS 1.4 15177 ID
Retranslator NIS 1.5 15220 ID
Ritm Voyager-2 15191 ID
RK-Video RVi-RM04G 15277 S/N
RNT Autotracker AT65i 15185 ID
Sakura-Escort Escort DT-online 15251 IMEI
Santel-Navigatsiya Granit Navigator.02 15201 S/N²
Santel-Navigatsiya Granit Navigator.04 15201 S/N²
Santel-Navigatsiya Granit Navigator 2.07 15159 S/N
Santel-Navigatsiya Granit Navigator 2.08 15159 S/N
Santel-Navigatsiya Granit Navigator 4.10 15159 S/N
Santel-Navigatsiya Granit Navigator 4.14 15159 S/N
Santel-Navigatsiya Granit Navigator 5 15159 S/N
Santel-Navigatsiya Granit Navigator 6.13 15159 S/N
ServisSoft LookOut 15257 IMEI
Sokolinyi Glaz Autolink 15169 IMEI
Tekhnokom Autograph GSM 15150 S/N
Tekhnokom Autograph GSM+ 15150 S/N
Tekhnokom Autograph Mobile 15150 S/N
Fort-Telekom Fort-111 15153 IMEI
Fort-Telekom Fort-112 15153 IMEI
Fort-Telekom Fort-300 15154 IMEI
Shtrikh-M Shtrikh TahoRUS 15151 S/N

1 - the port to be specified in the terminal settings. The address is the same for all terminals: convert.omnicomm.ru or

2 - this number shall be given as a parameter when creating a terminal on the configuration server.

3 - data are to be transferred via the manufacturer's server. In the conversion server settings one shall specify the address of connection to the server.

4 - the last 5 figures of the serial number.


What one can do if the list does not contain the terminal you require?

It is required to send a request for connection of a new terminal to the Technology support group at address [email protected]

What steps one shall take to connect a terminal to Omnicomm Online?

To connect a terminal to Omnicomm Online service one shall

  1. enter settings in the terminal;

create a terminal via the Conversion server interface, specify settings of the connected sensors and other settings; - download an xml-profile of an object from the Conversion server and import it to Omnicomm Online.

What one shall usually do to setup a third-party terminal?

Varous terminals support various setup tools, but in general one needs to have: - a user operation manual; - for setup via PC, one will need configurator software and a cable connect the terminal to the PC (one may need a USB-cable, USB/COM adapter or a brand cable). The settings may be protected by the password. To setup via SMS, one shall know a telephone number of the terminal SIM-card and SMS-commands for setup (they are usually given in the documentation). Setup can be protected by password and/or a restricted list of numbers, from which the SMS-commands are accepted. OR For setup via the server of a manufacturer, one shall have an access to the server provided by the manufacturer.

The terminal is protected with a password, what shall I do?

To remove the password set on the terminal, one shall contact the company which has installed the terminal. The best way is to make an official request on behalf of a client, an owner of the terminal, if the terminal has been purchased on the basis of purchase and sale conditions and the client does not have outstanding debts, the seller does not have a right to dismiss such request. In addition to this, some manufacturers can reset or change password set on a terminal using remote access.

How do I understand which parameter I should select when setting up a sensor on the Conversion server?

When you start setting up a sensor, its input name very often corresponds to its factual purpose and the measurement values are unified. In case you have any doubts, which input to select for a sensor, and what conversion parameters shall be giben, you can switch to “monitoring” tab. In the “monitoring” tab the state of all inputs in the most recent message received from the terminal, according to this data, and having in mind at least approximate state of a sensor, one can easily determine under which title a parameter is transferred.

How can one set up an address in terminal XXX? Where can one find a Configurator for YYY terminal?

The information on the terminal setup can be found in the manufacturer's documents, a Configurator can usually be found within the scope of such documentation. We are going to develop and upload on our web-site brief instructions on setup of the most popular terminals. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to develop such instructions to all models of the terminals, moreover, provide detailed consultations on setup, for more information you can contact the manufaturer or respective representatives.