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In the «Settings» tab select the «OBD» section from the list.
In the «OBD Parameters» section:
Default OBDII parameters are not selected.
From the list of parameters, choose the ones you wish to display the value of in Omnicomm Online and check the corresponding boxes.
List of parameters:
- Check Engine Error
- Revolutions, rpm
- Speed, km/h
- Fuel volume, %
- Mileage after Maintenance, km
- Coolant temperature,°С
- Voltage, V
- Time to Maintenance, min
- Oil temperature,°С
- Instant fuel consumption, L/h
Value — parameter value obtained from the terminal.
OBD parameters tab to SAE J1979, SAE J1939
Parameter | Protocol | |||
SAE J1979 | SAE J1939 | |||
SID | PID | PGN | SPN | |
Check Engine Error | 0*01 | 0x01 | FECA | 1213 |
Revolutions, rpm | 0*01 | 0x0C | F004 | 190 |
Speed, km/h | 0*01 | 0x0D | FEF1 | 84 |
Fuel volume, % | 0*01 | 0x2F | FEFC | 96 |
Mileage after Maintenance, km | 0*01 | 0x31 | - | - |
Coolant temperature,°С | 0*01 | 0x05 | FEEE | 110 |
Voltage, V | 0*01 | 0x42 | FEF7 | 168 |
Time to Maintenance, min | 0*01 | 0x4E | - | - |
Oil temperature,°С | 0*01 | 0x5C | FEEE | 175 |
Instant fuel consumption, L/h | 0*01 | 0x5E | FEF2 | 183 |
SID – Channel ID by SAE J1979.
PID – Parameter ID to SAE J1979.
PGN – No. of parameters group, defining the contents of the corresponding message according to SAE J1939.
SPN – code of the parameter according to SAE J1939.
GPRS Connection
In the «Settings» tab select the «Connection» section from the list.
In the «GPRS Settings» section:
«Access Point Name (APN)» – enter the GPRS access point name:
For GPRS access point names of other operators, refer to the mobile network operator, whose SIM card is inserted in the terminal.
«Phone number» – number of the SIM card inserted in the terminal.
«Login (APN)» and «Password (APN)» – if necessary, enter login and password for APN access point. Login and password are provided with the SIM card of a number of mobile network operators.
Connection to Communication Servers
In the «Settings of connection to the communication server» sections:
«CS 1 IP address or domain name» – enter IP address or domain name of the communication server: cs.dc1.omnicomm.ru.
«Port» – enter port to be used by terminal to connect to the communication server: 9977
«Protocol» – select data transmission protocol to the CS. Possible options: Omnicomm.
Data Collection
In the «Settings» tab select the «Connection» section from the list.
In the «Data collection parameters» section:
«Data collection timer» – set the value of the period of Terminal requesting modules and external devices connected to it. Value range: from 15 to 240 s. Default value — 30 s.
«Operation mode with ignition off and power on» select:
- «Collect all data» – data collection and transmission same as with ignition turned on
- «Collect all except GPS» – collection and transmission of data selected during configuration of the terminal, except for the GPS module data
- «Collect data at jolting» – monitoring the status of the accelerometer. If the accelerometer reading changes by more than 0.2 g, the terminal switches to the “Collect all data” and performs data transmission to the Communication Server in 5 minutes
Selecting «Collect data at jolting» set the following configuration:
- «Collect all data» – when this parameter is enabled, the terminal upon expiration of the time specified in the “Interval of sending data to the server” switches to the “Collect all data” mode and performs data collection and transmission to the communication server. After the data transmission the terminal switches to the “Collect data at jolting” mode.
- «Interval of sending data to the server» – the time interval between the terminal connections to CS. Possible values: 1 to 6 hours, at intervals of 1 hour.
Depending on the set mode, the data are collected from the particular modules and external devices. Default value: “Collect data at jolting”.
«Adaptive data collection at cornering» – enable/disable adaptive data collection at cornering, which allows increasing the accuracy of displaying turns on the map by additional data collection from the GPS module more frequently than set in the “Data collection timer” parameter. Default value — enabled.
«Collecting data on the travelled distance» – allows increasing the accuracy of displaying the vehicle location on the map by additional data collection from the GPS module over the distance traveled between the events with registered coordinates. Default value — enabled.
«Distance traveled» – enter the mileage traveled from the moment of the last registered event with coordinates, upon achieving which the data will be collected. Possible values: 10 to 1000 meters. Default value – 100 meters. Default value — disabled.
«Coordinate drift filtering» – enable to eliminate drift of coordinates during the “Track” report generation.
When enabling the “Coordinate drift filtering” the following settings are available:
- “Delay after ignition on, s”. Default value – 35 s. Possible values: 0 to 900.
- “Maximum travel speed, km/h”. Default value - 180 km/h. Possible values: 5 to 360.
The default values allow elimination of drifts for most cases and do not require correction.
Data Transmission to a Communication Server
In the «Settings» tab select the «Connection» section from the list.
In the «Parameters of output for connection» section:
«Data submission period to CS» – enter the number of minutes, upon expiration of which the Terminal must establish connection with the communication server, while being in the mobile operator's home network. Recommended value – 10 min. Default value – 2 minutes.
In the «GSM and SMS communication parameters» section:
«SMS» – enable/disable the commands reception via SMS and sending the information messages by the Terminal. Default value — disabled. When the “SMS” parameter is enabled:
«SMS destination number» – enter the phone number, to which the SMS will be sent with information about the status of the Terminal and the vehicle.
«SMS template language» – select the language of the SMS template. Possible options: Russian, English, Portuguese, Spanish.
«Vehicle Name» – enter the name of the vehicle. The “Vehicle Name” field is mandatory.
In the «Roaming connection parameters» section:
Select the criterion for the connection of the terminal to the CS: “By time period” or “By packet size”. Default value — “Interval of sending data to the CS”.
«Interval of sending data to the server» – enter the number of minutes, upon expiration of which the terminal must establish connection with the communication server, while being in roaming. Recommended value – 180 minutes. Default value – 60 min.
«Data packet size to send to the CS» – enter the data packet size, upon achieving which the terminal must establish connection with the communication server, while being in roaming. Recommended value – 100 Kb.
In the «Roaming parameters» section:
«Roaming» – select the option of SIM card using while in roaming. Default value — allow. Possible options:
- «Permitted» – the terminal will transmit data using the available cellular networks
- «Prohibited» – the terminal will not transmit data while roaming
- «In roaming as at home network» – the terminal will transmit data following the same settings of output parameters as for the home network
- «According to the list» – the terminal will only transmit data using the cellular networks stated in the list. Enter the MCC and MNC of the required cellular networks in the table
When the terminal operates in roaming, the data transmission is carried out only to the communication server no. 1. To transfer data to two communication servers, select "In roaming as at home".
Selection of Ignition Source
In the «Settings» tab select the «Inputs» section from the list.
In the «Ignition key status» section:
«Data source» – select the data to register ignition on/off.
«Onboard voltage» – the ignition on is registered upon reaching the vehicle network power supply threshold voltage.
«Threshold voltage» value: when this value is reached, the ignition will register as switched on. Ignition off is registered, when the voltage drops to 0,5 V below the threshold. Default value – 13,5 V.
Selection of Speed Source
In the «Settings» tab select the «Inputs» section from the list.
In the «Vehicle speed» section:
«Data source» – select the data to process the speed values. Possible options: “GPS”, “OBD bus”.
Engine RPM
In the «Settings» tab select the «Inputs»section from the list.
In the «Engine RPM» section:
«Data source» – select the signal type. Possible values: “Disabled”, “OBD bus”
Fuel Level Sensors
In the «Settings» tab select the «Inputs» section from the list.
In the «Fuel Level Sensors» section:
«“Data source» – select the signal type. Possible values: “Disabled”, “OBD bus”. Default value — OBD bus.
«Fuel tank volume, L» – enter the fuel tank volume. Default value — 100 L.
«Current fuel volume, L» – displays the current volume of fuel in the tank. The current fuel volume is calculated at the terminal based on the data acquired via the OBD bus, and the set tank volume.
Internal Battery
In the «Settings» tab select the «Auxiliary equipment» section from the list.
In the «Internal battery parameters» section:
«Use internal battery» – enable/disable use of internal battery when the main power supply is turned off and the terminal is operating in the “Collect data during pounding” mode.
Driving Safety Control
In the «Settings» tab select the «Auxiliary equipment» section from the list.
In the «Accelerometer parameters» section:
“Accelerometer” – enable/disable the use of accelerometer for measuring the vehicle acceleration. Default value — enabled.
“Accelerometer status” – accelerometer condition. Possible options: not used, calibration, calibrated, calibration error.
“Accelerometer calibration” – select the accelerometer calibration mode. Possible options: automatic calibration, manual calibration.
Prior to performing the calibration, firmly fix the terminal and do not change its position during operation.
Automatic calibration is recommended for vehicles that are operated mainly at speeds above 50 km/h. Automatic calibration takes between 2 minutes and 24 hours, depending on the frequency of acceleration and braking on straight sections of the road.
When selecting manual calibration, in the “Terminal position” field, select one of 24 positions as shown in figure:
Deflection of the terminal from the axes during manual calibration should not be more than 5 degrees.
In the «Settings» tab select the «Driving Control» section from the list.
«Dangerous driving control» – enable/disable registration of dangerous driving when exceeding the set values of monitored parameters.
Select monitored parameters:
«Sending an event» –enable/disable event sending to Omnicomm Online.
- «Speed» – vehicle speed control
Threshold – enter the maximum permissible speed, upon exceeding which dangerous driving will be registered. Possible values: 0 to 150 km/h. Default value: 80 km/h.
Deviation – enter the speed value that can be exceeded maximum permissible speed without triggering dangerous driving. Possible values: 0 to 50 km/h. Default value: 5 km/h.
Duration – enter the period of time allowed to exceed maximum permissible speed without triggering dangerous driving. Possible values: 0 to 300 s. Default value: 15 s.
- «Engine speed (RPM)» – engine RPM monitoring
Threshold – enter the maximum permissible engine RPM, upon exceeding which dangerous driving will be registered. Possible values: 0 to 10,000 rpm. Default value: 4,000 rpm.
Deviation – enter the RPM value that can be exceeded by maximum permissible RPM without registration of violation.Possible values: 0 to 1000 rpm. Default value: 200 rpm.
Duration – enter the period of time allowed to exceed maximum permissible engine RPM without registration of dangerous driving. Possible values: 0 to 300 s. Default value: 15 s.
- «Acceleration» – acceleration control during vehicle speeding up
Threshold – enter the value of acceleration while speeding up, which exceeding will trigger registration of dangerous driving
- «Lateral acceleration» – acceleration control during vehicle turning
Threshold – enter the value of acceleration while turning, which exceeding will trigger registration of dangerous driving
- «Braking» – acceleration control during vehicle braking
Threshold – enter the value of acceleration while braking, which exceeding will trigger registration of dangerous driving
- «Vertical acceleration (pounding / bumping)» – acceleration control during vehicle pounding
Threshold – enter the value of acceleration while pounding or bumping, which exceeding will trigger registration of dangerous driving
- “Send SMS for selected events” – enable SMS sending upon registration of dangerous driving
«Determine accidents» – enable / disable accident registration upon exceeding the set values of monitored parameters.
- «Speeding up threshold» – value of acceleration while speeding up, which exceeding will trigger registration of accident
- «Lateral acceleration threshold» – value of acceleration while turning, which exceeding will trigger registration of accident
- «Braking threshold» – value of acceleration while braking, which exceeding will trigger registration of accident
- «Send SMS upon triggering» – enable SMS sending upon registration of accident