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General settings

In the “Settings” tab in the section “Configurable parameters”:

The “Network address” (from 1 to 254), set the network address of the LLS-HD fuel level sensor. When several sensors are connected to one external device, the network addresses must be unique.

The “Maximum indication value” (from 1 to 4095), please select the maximum LLS-HD sensor reading. The default value is 4095.

The “Minimum indication value” (from 0 to 1023), please select the minimum LLS-HD sensor reading. The default value is 0.

In the “Filtering” section select the parameters for input signal filtering:

  • “No”, the filtering is off. It is used in cases when the filtering is performed with the external device.
  • “Minimum” filtration is used in cases, when the sensor is installed in stationary fuel tanks.
  • “Medium” filtering is used when the vehicle operates under normal road conditions.
  • “Maximum” filtering is used when the vehicle operates under tough road conditions.

The “Automatic data output”, please select accordingly:

  • “No” means that automatic data output (without request) is not performed.
  • “Binary” means automatic output of data in binary format.
  • “Character-coded” means automatic output of data in character-coded format.

“Data output interval” (from 1 to 255 sec), please select the interval of automatic data output.

“Tough road conditions”, please turn on if additional filtering of values is required, taking in account tough road conditions.

“Baud rate”, select a speed at which the data transmission with the external device will be performed. The default value is 19 200 bit/sec.