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In the «Administration» section, open the «Fuel cards» tab.

In the «Fuel cards» section, in the «Operator» field, select the operator's fuel company from the drop-down list.

In the «Card number» field, enter the 10-digit fuel card number.

The configuration is performed as follows, depending on the fuel operator:

1. Rosneft

  • In the “Fuel cards”/“Fuel card operator settings” section, choose “Rosneft” from the “Fuel card operators” list


login/password - enter the login/password from your Rosneft personal account. It is recommended to use a separate account for API access.

2. Lukoil

To process data from Lukoil fuel cards, send a request for API access with an NDA signature to your “Lukoil-Licard” manager and to the email address [email protected] (Example of the email):

  • In the subject line of the email, specify: Company name (contract number) Integration of LUKOIL fuel cards into the Omnicomm Online monitoring system.
  • The request should be addressed to the CEO of OJSC “Lukoil-Inter-Card,” Alexey Viktorovich Filippov.
  • In the “Fuel Cards” section / “Operator Settings” of the “TK Operator” list, select “Lukoil.”

Contract number / password – Enter the contract number and password provided by Lukoil.

Upload certificate – Select the electronic certificate file and click “Add.”

Add fuel card numbers – Add the fuel card numbers.

3. Gazpromneft

Gazpromneft provides free access to the API for up to 500 requests. If this limit is exceeded, data will only be loaded on a paid basis. The limit is two API requests per day. If the API access to Gazpromneft is not paid at the time of the request, transaction data will not be displayed in Omnicomm Online.

  • Send a request to access the API to your Gazpromneft manager or on the website: https://api-promo.opti-24.com/
  • Fill out the contract and pay the selected tariff. Recommended tariff: START

In the "IP-address" field, enter:,

  • A letter from Gazpromneft with API access data will be sent to the e-mail address specified in the contract.
  • In the “Fuel cards”/“Fuel card operator settings” section, choose “Gazpromneft” from the “Fuel card operators” list

login/password - enter the login/password from your Gazpromneft personal account.

api_key – the key to access the API.

  • Add the fuel card numbers:



  • In the “Fuel Cards” / “Operator Settings” section, select “SVOY.CLUB” from the “TK Operator” list.

Contract number / Token – Enter the contract number or token for API access to transaction data.

For the following fuel operators, add the fuel card numbers:

5. User-defined.

6. KMZAS. Contact the KMZAS operator's manager to activate data transmission to Omnicomm Online.

7. Shell. Transaction files are uploaded manually.

8. ScanOil Card.

9. Avtomatika Plus.



12. PPR/Fleetcor (Vezdekhod/TransitCard). Activate data transmission to Omnicomm Online in the fuel operator’s personal account.

13. E-100. Contact the E-100 operator's manager to activate data transmission to Omnicomm Online.

Assign a driver or a vehicle

In the «Administration» section, open the «Fuel cards» tab. In the window that opens, choose the fuel card from the list and click the «Card data» button.

A window will open:

Values from fuel card

Select from the list the vehicle or the driver that you wish to issue the card to Click the «Issue» link or, if it is necessary to change the parameters of issue, click on the Edit link.

A window will open:

Select a vehicle or driver

Click the Select a Vehicle or Select a Driver link, depending on who you need to issue the card to.

  • «Start date» – specify the card's date and time of issue
  • «End date» – specify the card's date and time of expiry

Click «Save».

Adding custom data

In the «Administration» section, open the «Fuel cards» tab.

In the «Fuel cards» section, in the «Operator» field, select the «custom» from the drop-down list.

Click the “Download Transactions” button. A window will open in which you select .csv file with data in the following format: card number, date and time of the transaction, and volume:

Transactions will be added to Omnicomm Online.