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Site Tools

Contacting technical support

Setting up technical support case templates

Omnicomm Online has the ability to create templates for technical support calls for users.

In the “Administration” section, open the “Technical Support Setup” tab:

To add a template, click the “Create a new template” button. A window will open:

“Topic”- Specify the subject of the appeal.

«Email» - Specify the addresses of technical support specialists to whom requests will be sent using the template. The maximum number of addresses is 5.

“Your question” – describe the request to technical support. If necessary, attach files, pictures, links.

Click the “Save” button. The template is added to the list.

Add users to whom the template will be available:

Select a template from the list and click the Users button. A window will open:

Select the users and click the “Save” button.

The template will be available to users when sending requests to technical support (see https://doc.omnicomm.ru/ru/omnicomm_online-manual/sms).

Appeals from customers

After sending a request to the dealer's e-mail address, a letter is sent from the «[email protected]» address:

When you click the “Reply” button, the address specified by the client when sending the request is automatically set: