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SOAP Methods List

For date and time data transmitting the UNIXTIME (in seconds) format is used. Units of other parameters are listed below.

signIn – authorization

Input Values
String login – user name in the system
String password – password in the system
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false true in case of successful authorization
String sessionId – in case of successful authentication, the session identifier (minimum 16 characters)
Unixtimestamp dateTimeEnd – in case of successful authorization, time of the session termination (the time after which you must log in again)
String error – error message in case of improper authorization (incorrectly entered username and password, or incorrect data format)

getObjectSet – list of objects

Input Values
String sessionId – session ID obtained during authorization
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false true in case of successful operation.
String error – error message in case an error occur
Dataset objects – list of vehicles available to the user — owner of the registered session (meaning only those objects which the user has the right to view):
Integer id – object identifier (the same as the identifier of the unit)
String objectName – name of vehicle
String objectType – type of vehicle
String GarageNumber – garage number

getSmoothedFuel – smoothed fuel level for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtaied during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle / unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Dataset fuel – data set (all the data from the archive for the selected period):
Unixtimestamp timeStamp – time of the registered fuel level
Double smothedFuel – smoothed value of the fuel, liters, accuracy up to 0.1 l
String error – error message in case an error occur

getFuelConsumption – fuel consumption for the period

Input Values
String sessionId - session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId - identifier of vehicle / unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) - end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation.
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double fuelConsumption – fuel consumption for the period, liters, accuracy up to 0.1 l
String error – error message in case an error occur

getEvents – list of events

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit. Optional parameter, if the identifier is not present, it returns the data for all vehicles.
Integer type – type of event, required.
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) - end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false true in case of successful operation.
String error - error message in case an error occur
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Dataset objectEvents – data set for each event:
Unixtimestamp timeStamp – date and time of the event
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/ unit
String type – type of event
String parameters – parameters of the event
String eventAddress – address of the event, if available
String iButton – iButton code in HEX. Only for events such as ‘Driver’
String name – name of geofence. Only for entry and exit to or from Geofence events

getMileage – mileage for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) - end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - – true/false true in case of successful operation.
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double Mileage – mileage in km for the specified interval, accuracy 0.1 km
String error – error message in case an error occur

getEngineOnTime – engine running time for the period

Input Values
String sessionId - session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId - identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) - end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double engineOnTime – total running time of the engine, in seconds
String error – error message in case an error occur

getVehiclesState – VH current status

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
VehiclesType vehicles – list of VH IDs
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
vehicleStatesType states – list of parameters describing each VH status

getMileageSpeedExcess – mileage with excess speeding for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation.
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double mileageSpeedExcess – mileage with speeding in km for the specified interval, accuracy 0.1 km
String error – error message in case an error occur

getMovementTime – movement time for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – the identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation.
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double movementTime – movement time, seconds
String error – error message in case an error occur

getEngineOnTimeInMovement – engine running time in movement for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double engineOnTimeInMovement – engine running time during movement, seconds
String error – error message in case an error occur

getEngineOnTimeWithoutMovement – engine running time without movement for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double engineOnTimeWithoutMovement – engine running time without movement, seconds
String error – error message in case an error occur

getEngineOffTime – engine shutdown time for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double engineOffTime – engine shutdown time for the period, seconds
String error – error message in case an error occur

getFuelConsumptionInMovement – fuel consumption during movement for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double fuelConsumptionInMovement – fuel consumption during movement for the period, liters, accuracy 0.1 liters
String error – error message when an error occurs

getFuelConsumptionWithoutMovement – fuel consumption without movement for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double fuelConsumptionWithout Movement – fuel consumption without movement for the period, litres, accuracy 0.1 l
String error – error message when an error occurs

getFuelConsumptionInMotohour – fuel consumption per motor hour

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtaind during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double fuelConsumptionIn Motohour – average fuel consumption for the engine hour for the period, liters, accuracy 0.1 l
String error – error message when an error occurs

getFuelAtTime – fuel level at a given moment

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp time (seconds) – moment of time
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp time (seconds) – moment of time
Double fuelAtTime – fuel level at a given moment, litres, accuracy 0.1 l
String error – error message in case an error occur

getUserNotificationsByPeriod – user notifications by the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds. If not defined, end time = system time of the request execution by the server
Integer page – requested page number. If not defined, first page containing perPage records is returned
Integer perPage – quantity of records per page, if not defined, quantity is not limited
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status. True in case of successful operation
String error – error message in case an error occur
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC) , seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds
userNotificationsType userNotifications – array of returning parameters sets
Integer notificationsCount – total number of notifications for all pages. If no notification found, error code 10 is returned

getVisitedGeozonesByPeriod – geofences visited by the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds
vehicleIdsType vehicleId – list of the VH IDs. If absent, all available vehicles are used for request
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case en error occur
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds
visitedGeozone geozoneVisits – block of arrays of visited geofences parameters

getVehiclesParams – list of parameters available to the user

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
Vehicle vehicles – VH parameters that the current user is entitled to view

signOut – session termination

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
String sessionId – terminated session ID

getActiveNotificationRules – profiles of active notifications

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
rulesType rules – parameters for each notification profile

setDeviceIdToNotificationRules – assignment of notification profiles to VH

Input Values
String sessionId – session ID obtained during authorization
String deviceId – device ID
String deviceTypeId – device type identifier
rulesType rules – identifiers of notification profiles to which it is necessary to assign VH
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur

getFuelLevelsByTimeMoment – fuel level at a certain time

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Unixtimestamp timeMoment – moment of time (UTC), seconds
vehicleAndTankIds – list of vehicles and fuel tanks IDs.
In the absence of the list, the request will be executed for all vehicles and tanks available to the user
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
Unixtimestamp timeMoment – moment of time (UTC), seconds
fuelData fuelDataSet – list of parameters for each VH:
int vehicleId – vehicle identifier;
int tankNumber – fuel tank number;
fuelLevelsType fuelLevels – fuel level data;
activityPeriodsType activityPeriods – engine operation data;
ignitionOffListType ignitionOffList – ignition- OFF data;
ignitionOnListType ignitionOnList – ignition-ON data;
llsFailurePeriods – data on fuel level sensor failures

getFuelLevelsByPeriod – fuel level by the period of time

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds. If the end time is not indicated, the end time of the period = the system time of the beginning of the Server-side request processing
vehicleAndTankIds – list of vehicles and fuel tanks IDs.
In the absence of the list, the request will be executed for all vehicles and tanks available to the user
Int reduce – thinning:
0 = not required
1 = required
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the period (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the period (UTC), seconds
fuelData fuelDataSet – list of parameters for each vehicle:
int vehicleId – VH identifier;
int tankNumber – fuel tank number;
fuelLevelsType fuelLevels – fuel level data;
activityPeriodsType activityPeriods – engine operation data;
ignitionOffListType ignitionOffList – ignition- OFF data;
ignitionOnListType ignitionOnList – ignition-ON data;
llsFailurePeriods – data on fuel level sensor failures

getSmoothedFuelLevelsByPeriod – smoothed fuel levels by the period of time

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – object identifier
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
vehicleAndTankIdsType vehicleAndTankIds – list of vehicles and fuel tanks IDs. In the absence of the list, the request will be executed for all vehicles and tanks available to the user
Int reduce – thinning:
0 = not required
1 = required
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the period (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the period (UTC), seconds
fuelData fuelDataSet – list of parameters for each VH:
int vehicleId – VH identifier;
int tankNumber – fuel tank number;
fuelLevelsType fuelLevels – fuel level data;
activityPeriodsType activityPeriods – engine operation data;
ignitionOffListType ignitionOffList – ignition- OFF data;
ignitionOnListType ignitionOnList – ignition-ON data;
llsFailurePeriods – data on fuel level sensor failures

getRefuelingsAndDrainsByPeriod – fuel draining/refueling operations by the period of time

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
vehicleAndTankIdsType vehicleAndTankIds – list of vehicles and fuel tanks IDs. In the absence of the list, the request will be executed for all vehicles and tanks available to the user
Integer page – number of the requested page with data
Integer perPage – number of entries per page; if it is not preset, it will be taken as unlimited one
String sortname – field by which it is necessary to sort out the return parameters
String sortorder – sort order:
asc – ascending
desc – descending
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error mesage in case an error occur
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Integer entriesCounter – total number of entries by the period of time
RefuelingsAndDrains – list of parameters for each VH

getVehiclesProfiles – VH profiles matching the VH identifiers

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
VehiclesType vehicles – list of VH IDs
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
Vehicles – list of parameters for each VH

getCurrentObjectState – vehicle current status

Input Values
String sessionId – session ID obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – object identifier
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false. True in case of successful operation.
String error - error message in case an error occur
String lastGPS – latest valid coordinates. Contains latitude and longitude values separated by a semi-colon
Integer lastGPSDir – movement direction, degrees from 0 to 359
Double currentSpeed – current speed at the given moment, in kph, accuracy 0.1 kph
Double currentFuel – current fuel level, in litres, accuracy 0.1 l
Boolean currentIgn – ignition status. True if the ignition is ON
Boolean speedExceed – speed threshold exceed. True in case of speed threshold exceeded
Integer lastGPSSat – number of satellites with the last valid coordinates
Double currentInputValue – actual value of universal input. Attributes: Integer number – UI number, String name – UI name

getReportData – report for auxiliary equipment over the period, TPMS, IQFreeze

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – object identifier
Long timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Long timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds
String reportTemplateID – identifier of report template in Omnicomm Online. Possible values: addEquipment, TPMS, refState, refWork
Returned Values
Boolean status – true / false. True in case of successful operation
String error – error message in case an error occur
ReportDataType reportData – array including report data

getSEOnTime – auxiliary equipment running time for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – identifier of vehicle/unit
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) - end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status - true/false true in case of successful operation
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Double sEOnTime (seconds) – auxiliary equipment running time for every connected UI. Attributes: Integer number – UI number, String name – UI name

getStatisticsByPeriod – statistics for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds. If not defined, end time = system time of the request execution by the server.
int objectType – type of object:
If the type does not not exist, error code 12 is returned.
objectIdsType objectIds – array of the type objectIdsType, containing list of objectId parameters of int type. In case of non-existance, the query is performed for all the objectId of the corresponding type, available to the user.
requiredStatParamsType requiredStatParams – list of the required subgroups of the ‘Statistics’ report parameters. If the list is empty, all the subgroups with all parameters are returned
Returned Values
movingAndWorkingParamsType movementAndWorkingParams – subgroup of VH movement and operation parameters. If the list is empty, all the parameters of the subgroup are returned, otherwise only the enumerated parameters are returned. If the subgroup is not transmitted, the whole subgroup will not be returned.
fuelParamsType fuelParams – subgroup of parameters for fuel, draining and refuellings. If the list is empty, all the parameters of the sub- group are returned, otherwise only the enumerated parameters are returned. If the subgroup is not transmitted, the whole subgroup will not be returned.
optionalEquipmentParamsType optionalEquipmentParams – subgroup of auxiliary equipment parameters. If the list is empty, all the parameters of the subgroup are returned, otherwise only the enumerated parameters are returned. If the subgroup is not transmitted, the whole subgroup will not be returned.
CANDataParamsType CANDataParams – subgroup of CAN parameters. If the list is empty, all the parameters of the subgroup are returned, otherwise only the enumerated parameters are returned. If the subgroup is not transmitted, the whole subgroup will not be returned.
addDataParamsType addDataParams – subgroup of statistics aditional parameters: TPMS, iQFreeze, etc.

getTracksByPeriod – VH track for the period

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds. If the end time is not indicated, the end time of the period = the system time of the beginning of the Server-side request processing
VehiclesType vehicles – list of vehicle ID
Int reduce – thinning:
0 = not required
1 = required
Returned Values
Boolean status – operation status
String error – error message in case an error occur
Unixtimestamp timeBegin – start time of the interval (UTC), seconds
Unixtimestamp timeEnd – end time of the interval (UTC), seconds
trackDataSetType trackDataSet – parameters of the track for every vehicle:
trackPoint – parameters of the track point by one vehicle
unixtimestamp timestamp – time of the event when the coordinates have been fixed
Integer latitude – latitude with accuracy of 0.0000001 degree
Integer longitude – longitude with accuracy of 0.0000001 degree
Integer direction – direction, degrees
Integer sattelitesCount – number of satellites
Double speed (km/hour) – speed
Long timeStamp (seconds) – time of event. (UTC)

getTrack – track

Input Values
String sessionId – session identifier obtained during authorization
Integer objectId – object identifier
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false true in case of successful operation
String error – error message in case an error occur
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – start time of the interval
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – end time of the interval
Dataset trackEvents – array of track points:
String gpsPos – event coordinates. Contains latitude and longitude values separated by a semicolon
Integer gpsDir – movement direction, degrees from 0 to 359
Integer sattelitesCount – number of satellites
Double speed – speed, in km/hour with accuracy up to 0.1 km/hour
Unixtimestamp timeStamp – point date and time

getEngineStatisticsByPeriod – engine operation statistics for a period

Input values
String sessionId – session identifier received during the authorization
Integer vehicleId – vehicle identifier
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – interval start time
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – interval end time
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false. Returns 'true' if the operation was successful
String error – text of the error message that appears when the error occurs
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – interval start time
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – interval end time
Unixtimestamp lastDataTimestamp (seconds) – – timestamp of the last processed data (UTC)
Unixtimestamp operationStartDate (seconds) – operation start time for the period (UTC)
Unixtimestamp operationEndDate (seconds) – operation end time for the period (UTC)
Integer operationTime (seconds) – operation time for the period
Integer engineOffTime (seconds) – engine off time for the period Integer
Integer engineOnTime (seconds) – engine on time for the period
Integer engineIdlingTime (seconds) – engine idle operation time for the period Integer
Integer engineOperationTimeNormalSpeed (seconds) – engine operation time under normal load for the period
Integer engineOperationTimeMaxSpeed (seconds) – engine operation time at ultimate load for the period
Integer engineLoadTime (seconds) – engine operation time under load for the period
Integer dataAbsenceTime (seconds) – time of data absence for the period

getShiftDataByPeriod – information about the shifts

Input values
String sessionId – session identifier received during the authorization
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – scheduled shift start time
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – scheduled shift end time
Integer devBeforeBegin (seconds) – allowed deviation from the shift start time ahead of schedule
Integer devAfterBegin (seconds) – allowed deviation from the shift start time behind schedule
Integer devBeforeEnd (seconds) – allowed deviation from the shift end time ahead of schedule
Integer devAfterEnd (seconds) – allowed deviation from the shift end time behind schedule
Integer vehicleId – vehicle identifier
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false. Returns 'true' if the operation was successful
String error – text of the error message that appears when the error occurs
Integer vehicleId – vehicle identifier
Integer vehicleType – vehicle type (0 - car, 1 - fuel tanker)
Unixtimestamp pointDate (seconds) – actual time of shift start/end (UTC)
Integer engineOperationTime (seconds) – engine operation time at the moment of actual shift start/end
Integer shiftEngineOperationTime (seconds) – engine operation time for the shift
Double mileage (km) – engine operation time at the moment of actual shift start/end
Double shiftMileage (km) – mileage for the shift
fuelData – fuel parameters group:

Double fuelVolume (l) – fuel volume at the moment of actual shift start/end
Double fuelConsumption (l) – actual consumption at the moment of actual shift start/end

getIntervalsInfo – information divided into intervals

Input values
String sessionId – session identifier received during the authorization
Integer vehicleId – vehicle identifier
Unixtimestamp timeBegin (seconds) – interval start time
Unixtimestamp timeEnd (seconds) – interval end time
Boolean partsFlag – division into parts (true or false)
Integer interval (min) – interval length
Boolean geocodingFlag – address resolution based on the coordinates(true or false)
Boolean additionalTankFlag – returns a data set on the fuel level in the additional tank (true or false)
Returned Values
Boolean status – true/false. Returns 'true' if the operation was successful
Integer errorCode – error code. Possible error codes:
2: Authorization required - authorization is required to access the data
3: Dead session number – the session has expired, re-authorization is required
4: Bad interval – incorrect time interval entered
5: Bad object – there is no vehicle with this identifier
7: Unusable object– the value cannot be calculated for an object with this identifier.
9: Access denied – no access rights to the object
10: Data not found – there is no data for the corresponding input values (no raw data events for the [request period + one event before the period start])
11:Blocked interval – the requested interval contains data blocking periods
13: Invalid format – the format is incorrect
14: Undefined error – the error is unspecified
19: Too many intervals: current N, allowed M - the number of intervals per period (N) exceeds the limit (M)
String erorrDescription – optional
Integer vehicleId – vehicle identifier
Integer vehicleType – vehicle type (0 - car, 1 - fuel tanker)
Integer tanksNumber – the number of fuel tanks
Integer numberOfIntervals – the number of intervals in the request period
periodData – the data set for the request period
intervalsData – the data for the interval:
Integer intervalNumber – interval sequence number
Unixtimestamp startTime – interval start date
Unixtimestamp endTime – interval end date
statData – statistics data set
gpsData – GPS data set
engineData – data set on engine operation
fuelData – data set on fuel level
seData – data set on auxiliary equipment operation
canData – CAN bus data


List of returned errors:

0: No errors – there are no errors

1: Signing in failed – incorrect Login / Password entered

2: Authorization required – authorization is required to access the data

3: Dead session number – session has expired, re-authorization is required

4: Bad interval – incorrect time interval entered

5: Bad object – there is no object with this identifier

6: Admin login – someone is trying to log in as Admin User

7: Unusable object – the value cannot be calculated for the object with this identifier

8: Bad event type – there is no event type with this identifier

9: Access denied – no authorization to access the object

10: Data not found – no data for the corresponding input values

11: Blocked interval – the requested interval contains data blocking periods

12: Bad object type – the specified object type does not exist

13: Invalid format – the format is incorrect

14: Undefined error – the error is unspecified

15: 404 – page not found

Work Client Example

Import of Interfaces

wsimport -d bin -s src http://demo.omnicomm.ru/AnalyticalServer/ws?wsdl

Java code:

It is necessary to change strings “user” and “pass” by real values.

package ru.omnicomm.test.client;

import ru.omnicomm.analyticalserver.*;

import java.net.MalformedURLException; 

import java.net.URL; 

import java.util.List;

public class  ExampleClient { 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException {
        AnalyticalServer = new AnalyticalServer(new URL("http://demo.omnicomm.ru:8000/AnalyticalServer/ws?wsdl")); 

        AnalyticalServerWS port = AnalyticalServer.getAnalyticalServerPort(); 

        AuthResponseEntry auth = port.signIn("user", "pass"); 

        String sessionId = auth.getsessionId (); 

        System.out.println("auth sessionId: " + sessionId); 

        ObjectSetResponseEntry objects = port.getObjectSet(sessionId); 
        List<Vehicle> vehicles = objects.getVehicleList(); 

        for (Vehicle vehicle : vehicles) { 
            System.out.printf("vehicle: %d / %s\n", vehicle.getVehicleID(), vehicle.getRegNmb()); 


Types of Events

Event type number Meaning Parameter values, comments
1 Start of refuelling (for refuelling tankers – fueling) Value of refuelling, accuracy 0.1 litres
2 End of refuelling (for refuelling tankers – fueling) Value of refuelling, accuracy 0.1 litres
3 Beginning of draining Value of draining, accuracy 0.1 litres
4 End of draining Value of draining, accuracy 0.1 litres
5 Ignition ON Time from the last ignition switch off, minutes
6 Ignition OFF
7 External power supply ON
8 Battery power ON
9 Driver authorisation iButton key code in HEX
10 Transition to roaming
11 Exit from roaming
12 Instant speeding Maximum speed value, accuracy 0.1 kph
13 Idle time
14 Beginning of speeding
15 Beginning of transaction groups (for refuelling tankers) Fuel volume before the beginning of transaction groups, accuracy 0.1 litres
16 End of transactions group (for refuelling tankers) Fuel volume after finishing transactions group, accuracy 0.1 litres
17 Start of fueling during transactions group (for refuelling tankers)
18 End of fueling during transactions group (for refuelling tankers)
19 Start of draining during transactions group (for refuelling tankers)
20 End of draining during transactions group (for refuelling tankers)
21 Connection established
22 Additional equipment turned ON
23 Additional equipment turned OFF
24 Exceeding the auxiliary equipment max limits
25 Return to auxiliary equipment normal values
31 Pressing the panic button
32 Overload of auxiliary equipment
33 Power ON
34 Instant RPM exceeding
35 Entering the geofence
36 Exiting the geofence
38 Power OFF
42 Beginning of stop
43 End of stop
44 Beginning of acceleration
45 End of acceleration
46 Digital input ON
47 Digital input OFF
48 Instant acceleration
49 Unknown driver
52 Device tampering
53 Driver authorization finished
54 iButton applied
55 Deleted driver registration