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Firmware update is only done via RS-485 interface connection.

Connect the sensor to a PC.

Connect the Omnicomm LLS 5 sensors according to the diagram:

Подключение датчика Omnicomm LLS 30160 к ПК или планшету с помощью Omnicomm <k style='word-break:keep-all;white-space:nowrap'>UNU-USB</k>

Run the Omnicomm Configurator program on your PC.

Omnicomm Configurator (PC):

Omnicomm LLS setting on PC

The fuel level value is displayed without filtering.

“Full/Empty” Calibration

During Full-Empty calibration and subsequent calibration of the fuel tank using one type of fuel, it is recommended to turn on “Auto-adjustment” (see Sensor Settings). Perform the automatic adjustment and save the settings in the fuel level sensor.

  1. Fill the measuring container with fuel
  2. Immerse the Omnicomm LLS sensor in the fuel to the full length of the measuring piece
  3. Wait for the green indicator “Stabilized” to appear.
    Press the button “Full” to record the value corresponding to a full tank
  4. Remove the Omnicomm LLS sensor from the container and allow the fuel to drain from the measuring probe for 1 minute. Press the button “Empty” to record the value corresponding to an empty tank
  5. Press the “Write to Device” button

Omnicomm LLS 5 Sensor Setting

“Automatic adjustment” - turn on for automatic adjustment of measurements in case of a change in the permittivity of the fuel. Upon activation of auto-tuning, changes of level caused by thermal expansion of the fuel will be displayed, i.e. the level will be shown considering the current temperature. The setting is only available after sensor calibration.

To adjust automatically Omnicomm LLS 5 sensor calibration values, full fuelling of the tank is required when operating the vehicle.

When the tank is to be fully fueled, the max length of the measuring part that does not emerge into the fuel shall not exceed 10 cm from the sensor's flange.

When operaеing a vehicle with insufficient fuel level in the tank, auto-tuning cannot be performed.

“Network address” (1 to 254) – set the network address for the Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensor. When several sensors are connected to one external device, they should have unique network addresses.

“Min Level” (0 to 4095) – select the minimum reading for the LLS fuel level sensor. Default value – 0.

“Max Level” (1 to 4095) – select the maximum reading for the LLS fuel level sensor. Default value – 4095.

“Filtering” – set the output signal filtration parameters as follows:

  • “None”– no filtering is applied, only isolated strong drifts are excluded.
  • “Minimum”– the data interval for filtering is approximately 15 seconds. Used for city roads
  • “Medium”– the data interval for filtering is approximately 30 seconds. Used for vehicles operating at regular road conditions
  • “Maximum”– the data interval for filtering is approximately 5 minutes. Used when vehicles operate at severe road conditions and is not a recommended setting as it may cause delays in fuel readings after a refueling/draining operation

“Baud rate” – select the rate of data exchange with external devices. Default value –19,200 bit/s.

“Automatic data output” – select:

  • “Off” – no automatic data output (without request) is performed
  • “On” – automatic binary data output
  • “Data output interval” (1 to 255 seconds) – set the automatic data output interval

The automatic data output mode can be used only when not more than one Omnicomm LLS 5 sensor is connected to one interface and using exclusively the LLS protocol.

“Compensate for thermal expansion of fuel” - check the box to disable tracking fuel level changes due to temperature fluctuations (when the “Automatic adjustment” parameter is switched on).

  • “Compensation algorithm threshold” - when this value of the difference in sensor readings is reached, the automatic adjustment function is triggered. Default value - 200.

“Modbus function” - select the Modbus protocol function. The default value - “0x03”. Possible values:

  • “0x03” - holding register reading
  • “0x04” - input register reading

Fuel level sensor detects the protocol automatically - LLS or Modbus - and responds in the protocol of the request

“Level” - the address of the register with fuel level is specified, default value: 40001. Possible values:

  • 40001 to 49999 - for Modbus function “0x03”
  • 30001 to 39999 - for Modbus function “0x04”

“Temperature” - the address of the register with sensor temperature is specified, default value: 40002. Possible values:

  • 40001 to 49999 - for Modbus function “0x03”
  • 30001 to 39999 - for Modbus function “0x04”