Universal Inputs
Universal inputs are intended for connecting the auxiliary equipment with pulse, potential, analog or frequency output and its operation monitoring.
In the “Settings” tab select the “Inputs” section from the list.
In the “Universal Inputs” section:
Sensors with pulse output
“Universal input” – select “Enabled”.
“Operation mode” – select “Pulse”.
“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name.
“Tightening” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or contact sensors.
“Coefficient of impulse” – enter the calibration factor converting the number of pulses to the determined physical quantity.
“Number of impulses from the input” (in Omnicomm Configurator) – number of pulses coming at the universal input.
“Current value of measured parameter” – displays the value at the input with account for the calibration factor.
“Universal input” – select “Enabled”.
“Operation mode” – select “Potential”.
“Potential input activation voltage threshold” – set the value of voltage threshold, after which the terminal will record activation of the sensor. Default value – 9 V.
“Tightening” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or contact sensors.
“Input signal inversion” – set “Enabled” for the sensor with open contacts or contacts closing on commission of any action.
“Current voltage on input” – value of the voltage at the universal input of the terminal.
“Current value of measured parameter” – auxiliary equipment switched on or off.
“SMS sending upon triggering” – select “Enabled” to send SMS when the potential universal input is triggered.
“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name. Possible sensor types: contact or contactless digital sensors.
Connect contactless sensors (capacitance, inductance, optical or magnetic) and N-P-N sensors with “open collector”-type input according to the diagram:
Connect contact sensor according to the diagram:
As the contact sensor you can use standard elements of equipment control (activation buttons / limit switches / sensors triggered by excess pressure or temperature, etc.) or an additionally mounted sensor. We recommend that you first look for possibility of connection to a standard device and install an additional sensor only if there is none.
Sensors with analog output

“Minimum value of measured parameter” – set the minimum value to be measured by the sensor (in the units of measurement of this value).
“Voltage corresponding to the minimum value of measured parameter” – set the value of voltage corresponding to the minimum measured value.
“Maximum value of measured parameter” – set the maximum value to be measured by the sensor (in the units of measurement of this value).
“Voltage corresponding to the maximum value of measured parameter” – set the value of voltage corresponding to the maximum measured value.
“Current voltage at universal input” – value of the voltage at the universal input of the Terminal. “Current value of measured parameter” – current measured value.
“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name. Analog sensor types:
- with current output:
- with voltage output:
“Universal input” – select “Enabled”.
“Operation mode” – select “Frequency”.
“Tightening” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or contact sensors.
“Current value of measured parameter” – current measured value.
“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name.