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Use Cases

Monitoring the amount of remaining fuel, the refueling volume, and the vehicle's operation parameters

In this case, we look at the connection and configuration of equipment for monitoring mileage, speed, and remaining fuel in vehicle tanks using the Omnicomm ICON display.

Monitoring the amount of remaining fuel


Monitoring the amount of remaining fuel and the vehicle's operation parameters

Monitoring the amount of remaining fuel and the vehicle's operation parameters ТС

If the fuel volume goes below the threshold value, the amount of remaining fuel will be highlighted in red and a sound notification will ring.

Refueling volume monitoring

Refueling volume monitoring

During the refueling process, the Omnicomm ICON display shows the total volume of fuel filled and the number of liters for each tank separately.


  • Omnicomm terminal
  • LLS 5 Fuel level sensors
  • Omnicomm ICON Display


The diagram example of equipment connection is given for the Omnicomm Optim terminal. To connect to an Omnicomm terminal of a different model, see diagrams in the Connection section.

Equipment connection


The configuration of the LLS Fuel level sensors is performed according to the user manual of each sensor.

Omnicomm Terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Notify about status changes via SMS” - check the box to send a notification to the dispatcher's number when the driver's status changes. The notification will contain the driver's new status
  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal's setup

Omnicomm ICON display configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Indicator.

Add the parameters “Tank 1”, “Tank 2”, “Total in tanks”, “Mileage”, and “Speed” to the screen.

Add the parameter

When adding the parameters, specify the following values:

  • Units of measurement – units of measurement for the parameter. Select the units of measurement from the list or add your own by selecting “Other”. Enter the unit of measurement in the “Unit name” field
  • Measurement accuracy – select the number of digits after decimal point to display
  • Minimum threshold – enter the minimum value of the measured parameter
  • Maximum threshold – enter the maximum value of the measured parameter
  • Sound notification of exceeding thresholds - tick the box if a sound notification is needed when the value is below the minimum threshold or when the maximum threshold is exceeded

Configure the parameter display on screen as shown in the figure:

Screen setting

Press the “Save” button.

Monitoring the fuel dispensing by a fuel tanker

In this case, we look at the operation of a fuel tanker with an installed signal reader with a PPO fuel flow meter. The Omnicomm ICON display allows us to monitor the volume of dispensed fuel through the fuel tanker's dispensing gun and the remaining fuel in the fuel tank.

Fuel tanker with fuel flow meter



If the fuel volume goes below the threshold value, the amount of remaining fuel will be highlighted in red and a sound notification will ring.

If necessary, use the button “Reset Fuel Flow Meter” to reset the output volume.


  • Omnicomm Profi terminal
  • Omnicomm LLS-Ex 5 Fuel level sensors
  • BIS-MX Spark protection unit
  • Omnicomm ICON Display




The configuration of the Omnicomm LLS-Ex 5 fuel level sensor is performed according to the sensor's user manual.

The BIS-MX spark protection unit does not require configuration.

Omnicomm Profi terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal's setup

In the “Settings” tab select the “Inputs” section from the list.

In the “Universal inputs” section, configure the universal input No. 1:


“Universal input No. 1” – select “Enabled”.

“Operating mode” – select “Pulse”.

“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name. For example, volume of fuel dispensed.

“Pull-up resistor” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or contact sensors.

“Coefficient of pulse input calibration” – enter the calibration factor for converting the number of pulses to the determined physical quantity. Enter the value of the calibration coefficient depending on the model of the Signal pickup device and the PPO Fuel dispensing meter according to the table:

USS variations Use as part of products Calibration factor
USS–B–70 PPV-100-1,6; PPV-100-6,4; PPV-150-1,6; PPV-150-6,4 35,714
USS–B–70 PPO-25-1,6; ShZhU-25-1,6 1
USS–B–70 PPO-40-0,6; ShZhU-40-0,6 3,571
USS–B–25 PPV-100-1,6; ППВ-100-6,4; PPV-150-1,6; PPV-150-6,4 100
USS–B–25 PPO-25-1,6; ShZhU-25-1,6 2,8
USS–B–25 PPO-40-0,6; ShZhU-40-0,6 10

Press the “Save” button.

Omnicomm ICON display configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Indicator.

Add the parameters “Fuel flow meter”, “Tank 1”, “Tank 2”, “Tank 3”, “Total in tanks” to the screen.

Add the parameter

When adding the parameters, specify the following values:

  • Units of measurement – units of measurement for the parameter. Select the units of measurement from the list or add your own by selecting “Other”. Enter the unit of measurement in the “Unit name” field
  • Measurement accuracy – select the number of digits after decimal point to display. Possible values: 0, 1
  • Minimum threshold – enter the minimum value of the measured parameter
  • Maximum threshold – enter the maximum value of the measured parameter
  • Sound notification of exceeding thresholds - tick the box if a sound notification is needed when the value is below the minimum threshold or when the maximum threshold is exceeded

Configure the parameter display on screen as shown in the figure:

Screen setting

Press the “Save” button.

Stationary tank with four fuel level sensors

In this case, we look at monitoring fuel volume in a stationary tank when several fuel level sensors are installed. The Omnicomm ICON display is used to monitor the remaining fuel in the container.

Stationary tank


When used only with the Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensors


When used together with a terminal


If the fuel volume goes below the threshold value, the amount of remaining fuel will be highlighted in red and a sound notification will ring.


  • Omnicomm LLS 5 fuel level sensors
  • Omnicomm ICON Display
  • On-board terminal


Connection to the Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensors


Connection to the terminal

The diagram example of equipment connection is given for the Omnicomm Optim terminal. To connect to an Omnicomm terminal of a different model, see diagrams in the Connection section.

Equipment Connection

Several Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensors can be connected side-by-side via the RS-485 interface.


The configuration of the Omnicomm LLS 5 fuel level sensor is performed according to the sensor's user manual.

ICON display configuration when used only with the Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensors

Omnicomm ICON display supports up to 4 fuel tanks. The maximum number of Omnicomm LLS fuel level sensors is 4.

ICON display configuration

ICON display configuration when used together with a terminal

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Indicator.

Add the parameters “Tank 1”, “Tank 2”, “Tank 3”, “Tank 4”, “Total in tanks” to the screen.

Add the parameter

When adding the parameters, specify the following values:

  • Units of measurement – units of measurement for the parameter. Select the units of measurement from the list or add your own by selecting “Other”. Enter the unit of measurement in the “Unit name” field
  • Measurement accuracy – select the number of digits after decimal point to display
  • Minimum threshold – enter the minimum value of the measured parameter
  • Maximum threshold – enter the maximum value of the measured parameter
  • Sound notification of exceeding thresholds - tick the box if a sound notification is needed when the value is below the minimum threshold or when the maximum threshold is exceeded

Configure the parameter display on screen as shown in the figure:

Screen setting

Press the “Save” button.

Terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal's setup

Refrigerator with temperature sensors

In this case, we look at monitoring vehicles carrying food products that have strict requirements for temperature conditions during transportation and storage. The Omnicomm ICON display is used to monitor the temperature in the refrigerator sections and the fuel remaining in the tank with the help of temperature sensors and an LLS fuel level sensor.

Refrigerator with temperature sensors




  • Omnicomm terminal
  • Omnicomm ICON Display
  • Temperature sensors


The diagram example of equipment connection is given for the Omnicomm Profi terminal. The connection to other models of Omnicomm terminals is performed according to the terminals' user manuals.



Omnicomm Terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal's setup

In the “Settings” tab, select the “Auxiliary equipment” section from the list.

In the “Temperature sensors” section, the temperature sensors connected to the 1-Wire interface are displayed:



“Transmit the value of 1-Wire sensor instead of UI” - select the number of the universal input for displaying the temperature values on Omnicomm Online.

In the “Universal Inputs section:


“Operation mode” – select 1-Wire.

Omnicomm ICON display configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Indicator.

Add the parameters “1-wire temperature 1”, “1-wire temperature 2”, “1-wire temperature 3”, “1-wire temperature 4”, “Total in tanks” to the screen.

Add the parameters

When adding the parameters, specify the following values:

  • Units of measurement – units of measurement for the parameter. Select the units of measurement from the list or add your own by selecting “Other”. Enter the unit of measurement in the “Unit name” field
  • Measurement accuracy – select the number of digits after decimal point to display
  • Minimum threshold – enter the minimum value of the measured parameter
  • Maximum threshold – enter the maximum value of the measured parameter
  • Sound notification of exceeding thresholds - tick the box if a sound notification is needed when the value is below the minimum threshold or when the maximum threshold is exceeded

Configure the parameter display on screen as shown in the figure:

Screen setting

Press the “Save” button.

Vehicle fleet with driver identification

In this case, we look at vehicle monitoring. The Omnicomm ICON display provides driver identification via RFID cards. Two identification options are available: Applying or Retention of RFID cards. For identification through retention, you will need to acquire an RFID card holder.

Driver's management


Driver identification

When using a card that was not registered during the terminal configuration, access to the Omnicomm ICON display will be forbidden:

Access denied


  • Omnicomm ICON Display
  • ID card
  • On-board terminal


The diagram example of equipment connection is given for the Omnicomm Optim terminal. To connect to an Omnicomm terminal of a different model, see diagrams in the Connection section.

Equipment connection


Omnicomm Terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal's setup

In the “Settings” tab select the “Identification” section from the list.


“Use for identification” – select the identification method “Omnicomm ICON”.

“Identification method” – select the method of identification. Possible options:

  • “Applying” – the identification is performed when a card is applied for the period of time specified in the parameter “Key/card identification time”.
  • “Retention” – identification is performed by holding the card on the reader. This method is applied for identification via Omnicomm ICON display using the cardholder.

“Card identification duration” – specify the time value when a card is applied, after which will be enabled the second digital output of the terminal. Possible values: from 0 to 60 seconds.

In the “Permitted cards” section, click on “Add card” and enter the numbers of the cards which, when applied, will turn on the second discrete output. For automatic reading of the card number, connect Omnicomm ICON display to the terminal, switch on the readout mode and apply card.

Enter the identification number of the RFID card without the last two digits.
For example, for the card no. 8С895А4А6Е4D80 the number 8С895А4А6Е4D is indicated.

Driving Safety Control

The Omnicomm ICON display is used in driving safety control:

  • warning about an open door, unfastened seatbelt, headlights off, entering/leaving a geofence sent to the display
  • synchronization of events with Safe Driving reports in Omnicommm Online

Контроль безопасности вождения


Driving safety control through the display:

Notification about an unfastened seatbelt and vehicle speed greater than the value specified during terminal configuration:


Notifications when the acceleration thresholds are exceeded (suspension deceleration - vertical acceleration; sharp braking - braking):

Удар подвески Резкое торможение

Universal input status on the Omnicomm ICON display:

Driving Safety Control

Driving safety control in Omnicomm Online reports:

The “SafeDrive: Violation details” report:

 "SafeDrive: Violation details"

The “SafeDrive: Driver rating” report:

"SafeDrive: Driver rating"

A detailed description of the reports can be found in the Omnicomm Online User Manual (see the "SafeDrive: Violation details" report and the "SafeDrive: Driver rating" report).

Hardware and software:

  • Omnicomm terminal
  • Omnicomm ICON Display
  • Omnicomm Online


Equipment connection


Omnicomm Terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal and display configuration.

In the “Universal Inputs” section:

Universal Inputs

“Universal input No. 1” – select “Enabled”.

“Operating mode” – select “Direct-current”.

“ON voltage threshold” – set the value of voltage threshold after which the terminal will register the seatbelt fastening.

“Pull-up resistor” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or with dry contact sensors.

“Input signal inversion” – set “Enabled” for sensors with default open contacts or for contacts which close after the seatbelt is fastened.

“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name. For example, Seatbelt.

In the “Driving control” section:

Driving control

“Speed and Exceeding of threshold of potential UI1”:

Threshold - enter the threshold value which, if exceeded, will trigger the registration of a fastened/unfastened seatbelt event.

The notification for the event "Speed and Exceeding of threshold of potential UI1, UI2" is generated only when the selected speed source for the terminal is "GPS" (seeOmnicomm terminals 3.0. User Manual. The "Selection of Speed Source" section).

To set up notifications for suspension impact and sudden braking, specify the threshold values of vertical acceleration and breaking.

Omnicomm ICON display configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Indicator.

Add the parameters “UI 1”, “Mileage”, “Speed” to the screen.

Add the parameter

When adding the parameters, specify the following values:

  • Units of measurement – units of measurement for the parameter. Select the units of measurement from the list or add your own by selecting “Other”. Enter the unit of measurement in the “Unit name” field.
  • Measurement accuracy – select the number of digits after decimal point to display.
  • Minimum threshold – enter the minimum value of the measured parameter
  • Maximum threshold – enter the maximum value of the measured parameter
  • Sound notification of exceeding thresholds - tick the box if a sound notification is needed when the value is below the minimum threshold or when the maximum threshold is exceeded.

Configure the parameter display on screen as shown in the figure:

Screen setting

Press the “Save” button.

Settings in Omnicomm Online

  • Enable the “Safe driving” service for the vehicle


  • Select the vehicle or the driver
  • Select the time period for report generation

Construction Machinery

The Omnicomm ICON display allows you to control a wide range of construction equipment, such as the position of the dozer blade or tractor attachments, or the speed of the cement mixer. In this case, let's look at the monitoring of the position of a dump truck body and the rotations of a cement mixer truck.



The dump truck body position shown on the display:

The body position

The rotations of a cement mixer truck shown on the display:

The rotations of a cement mixer truck


  • Omnicomm terminal
  • Omnicomm ICON Display


The diagram example of equipment connection is given for the Omnicomm Profi terminal. To connect to an Omnicomm terminal of a different model, see diagrams in the Connection section.

Подключение оборудования


Omnicomm Terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal's setup

In the “Universal Inputs” section:

  • • Universal input configuration when connecting to a body tilt sensor:

Universal inputs

“Universal input No. 1” – select “Enabled”.

“Operating mode” – select “Direct-current”.

“ON voltage threshold” – set the value of voltage threshold after which the terminal will register truck body lifting.

“Pull-up resistor” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or with dry contact sensors.

“Input signal inversion” – set “Enabled” for sensors with default open contacts or for contacts which close after the truck body is lifted.

“SMS sending upon triggering” – select “Enabled” to send an SMS when the truck body is lifted.

“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name. For example, Body.

  • Universal input configuration when connecting to a cement mixer motor:


“Universal input” – select “Enabled”.

“Operating mode” – select “Pulse”.

“Equipment name” – enter the monitored parameter name.

“Pull-up resistor” – select “Enabled” when working with “open collector”-type sensors or contact sensors.

“Coefficient of pulse input calibration” – enter the calibration factor for converting the number of pulses to the determined physical quantity.

Omnicomm ICON display configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Indicator.

Add the parameters “UI 1”, “Engine hours”, “Mileage” to the screen.

Add the parameter

When adding the parameters, specify the following values:

  • Units of measurement – units of measurement for the parameter. Select the units of measurement from the list or add your own by selecting “Other”. Enter the unit of measurement in the “Unit name” field
  • Measurement accuracy – select the number of digits after decimal point to display
  • Minimum threshold – enter the minimum value of the measured parameter
  • Maximum threshold – enter the maximum value of the measured parameter
  • Sound notification of exceeding thresholds - tick the box if a sound notification is needed when the value is below the minimum threshold or when the maximum threshold is exceeded

Configure the parameter display on screen as shown in the figure:

Screen setting

Press the “Save” button.

Driver Statuses in Omnicomm Online

In this case, we look at monitoring driver activity through statuses. On the Omnicomm ICON display, the driver can set a status that corresponds to the activity that is being carried out. To analyze a driver's activity in Omnicomm Online, you can use the report “Task status”. Also, when the status changes, an SMS is sent to the dispatcher's number (indicated during terminal configuration). The Omnicomm ICON display supports up to 10 driver statuses.

Driver statuses


  • Open the browser and enter the address https://online.omnicomm.ltd/. Enter your login and password in the window that opens
  • Select the vehicle or the driver
  • Select the time period for report generation
  • Press the “Add report” button and select “Task status”


The report contains the following information on statuses for the report period:

  • Driver's name
  • Date when the status became effective
  • Status expiry date
  • Duration of the status
  • Fuel consumption per CAN, l
  • Fuel consumption, l
  • Location where the status became effective
  • Status expiry location
  • Mileage at the beginning of status activation
  • Mileage at status expiry
  • Mileage during the period of status activation as per CAN, km
  • Mileage during the period of status activation according to GPS, km


  • Omnicomm terminal
  • Omnicomm ICON Display




Omnicomm Terminal configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Terminal.

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.


“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Notify about status changes via SMS” - check the box to send a notification to the dispatcher's number when the driver's status changes. The notification will contain the driver's new status.
  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal and display configuration.

Omnicomm ICON display configuration

Run Omnicomm Configurator.

Select equipment – Indicator.

In the “Statuses” section:

Driver status

Press “Add status”.

Enter the status in words and press the “Write to device“ button.

Monitoring dispensing operations in Omnicomm Online

In this case, we look at monitoring fuel dispensing by a fuel tanker using the report “Refueler Statement” in Omnicomm Online. Before refueling, the driver applies the RFID card to the ICON display. Omnicomm Online will register a fuel dispensing event linked to the driver or the vehicle.



  • Open the browser and enter the address https://online.omnicomm.ltd/. Enter your login and password in the window that opens
  • Select the vehicle or the driver
  • Select the time period for report generation
  • Press the “Add report” button and select “Refueler Statement”

"Refueler Statement" report

The report contains the following information:

  • Dispensing source - name of the fuel tanker
  • Start of dispensing - date and time of the start of the fuel dispensing operation
  • End of dispensing - date and time of the end of the fuel dispensing operation
  • RFID – the number of the RFID card applied at the fuel tanker:
    • no earlier than 60 seconds before the start of fuel dispensing
    • within the allowed interval of time for fuel dispensing set in the vehicle profile (see Administration Guide. Omnicomm Online)
    • before the RFID card is removed
  • Card assigned - full name of the key holder
  • Receiver - name of the vehicle that is being refilled
  • Refueling start - date and time of the start of refueling
  • Refueling end - date and time of the end of refueling
  • Match type - the method used to match the source of dispensing and the refueled vehicle. Possible options: coordinates and time, iButton key, RFID card, fuel card, document.
  • Driver's name - full name of the driver of the refueled vehicle. The driver's name is displayed depending on the type of match:
    • iButton key, RFID card - full name of the key or card holder
    • coordinates and time - full name of the driver registered on the refueled vehicle
  • Refueling volume - the volume of the fuel filled in the vehicle
  • Dispensing volume - the volume of the fuel dispensed by the fuel tanker
  • Deviation, l - the difference between the refilled volume and the dispensed volume in liters
  • Deviation, % - the difference between the refilled volume and the dispensed volume in percentage
  • Refueling source address - the address at which the start of fuel dispensing was recorded
  • Refueling receiver address - the address at which the start of vehicle refueling was recorded
  • Source group - a group of vehicles to which the fuel tanker belongs
  • Receiver group - a group of vehicles to which the refueled vehicle belongs

The data on the refueled vehicle (receiver) will be displayed only if the driver, who applied the RFID card, is registered on the vehicle (receiver). Driver registration can be done in Omnicomm Online or using the Omnicomm ICON display installed on the vehicle (receiver).


  • Omnicomm Profi terminal
  • Omnicomm LLS-Ex 5 Fuel level sensors
  • BIS-MX Spark protection unit
  • Omnicomm ICON Display
  • Omnicomm Online




The configuration of the Omnicomm LLS-Ex 5 fuel level sensor is performed according to the sensor's user manual.

The BIS-MX spark protection unit does not require configuration.

Omnicomm Profi terminal configuration

The terminal is configured similarly to the procedure for Monitoring the fuel tanker dispensing operations.

Settings in Omnicomm Online

Log in to Omnicomm Online.

In the “Administration” section, open the “Vehicles” tab. A window will open:


Select “Fuel tanker” from the list and click the “Vehicle profile” button.

In the “Driver sign in on a vehicle” section:

Vehicle profile

“Driver sign in by tag reading” - uncheck the box to disable driver registration when an RFID card is applied at the fuel tanker.