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Open the “Settings” menu and select the “Additional Equipment” tab:

Accelerometer Parameters: Enable or disable these to switch the use of the accelerometer on or off in order to measure vehicle acceleration. “Dangerous driving detection” enable or disable to engage or disengage the evaluation of dangerous driving whenever pre-configured thresholds are exceeded.

If you choose to enable “Detect Dangerous Driving”, you will need to configure the following parameters: “Acceleration Threshold”, select the acceleration value during speeding up which must be exceeded to recognise the driving manner as dangerous.

“Slowdown threshold”, select the acceleration value during braking which must be exceeded to recongnise the driving manner as dangerous.

“Lateral acceleration threshold”, select the acceleration value during turning manoeuvres which must be exceeded to recongnise the driving manner as dangerous.

- Outgoing SMS Messages: Enable or disable outgoing SMS text messages whenever dangerous driving manner is recognised.

- Send Photo Upon Activation: Enable or disable outgoing digital photos whenever dangerous driving manner is recognised.