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GPRS Connection
Open the “Settings” menu and select the 'Connection' tab.
Now refer to “GPRS Settings”:
“Access Point Name (APN)”: enter the name of the GPRS access point:
- internet (default)
Please enquire from your provider, whose SIM card is installed in the Terminal, of the appropriate GPRS access point name.
“Phone number”: this stands for the telephone number associated with the SIM card installed in the Terminal.
“APN user name” and “APN Password”: Enter your login details for the access point if you're required to do so. Login details are provided along with the SIM card by selected mobile network providers.
Collecting Data
Now refer to “Data Collection Parameters”:
Collection Timer — set up the value for the polling period for the Terminal, its connected modules and external devices. The available value range is from 15 to 240 seconds.
Go to the “Operation Mode for Ignition Off and Power On” and select one of the following:
- “Collect all data”, collecting and transmitting data in the same manner as when the ignition is on.
- “Collect all data except GPS”, collecting and transmitting data selected during the Terminal configuration, except for the GPS module data.
- “Collect Data during jolting”, monitoring the state of the panic button and accelerometer. When the accelerometer readings change by more than 0.2 g, or when the panic button is pressed, the Terminal switches to 'Collect All Data' mode and proceeds to transmit data to the Communication Server for the next 5 minutes.
When selecting “Collect all data during jolting”, configure the following settings:
- “Collect all data”, with this parameter enabled, the Terminal switches to “Collect all data” mode and collects and transmits data to the communication server when the time entered in the “Period of Data Transmission to Server” expires. Having transmitted all available data, the Terminal reverts to “Collect data during jolting” mode.
- Period of data transmission to server, select the time interval in between the Terminal's connection sessions to the server. The available values range from 1 to 6 hours at 1-hour increments.
Depending on the mode selected, data is collected from pre-specified modules and external devices.
“Adaptive data collection during turns”, enable or disable collecting data when the vehicle makes a turn; enabling it helps increase the accuracy of recording and displaying turns on the map. This is done by collecting additional data from the GPS module more frequently than the “Collection Timer” parameter suggests.
“Collecting data on distance travelled” allows increasing the accuracy of tracking the vehicle location and therefore displaying it on the map. This is done by collecting additional data from the GPS module on the distance travelled between registered events with set coordinates.
“Distance Travelled”, enter the value of the distance travelled from the last registered event with set coordinates that must be reached to initiate data collection. The values range from 10 to 1,000.
Speed source selection
Please refer to the “Vehicle speed” section.
In “Data source” section please select what data should be used to calculate vehicle speed values. You can choose between GPS and CAN bus.
Communication Server Connection
In the section “Connection establishing parameters”:
“Period of sending data to the CS”, enter the number of minutes, upon expiry of which, the Terminal shall connect to the communication server when within the home network of your mobile network provider. The recommended value is 10 minutes.
Now refer to the “Roaming parameters”:
Roaming: Select one of the roaming options for your SIM card: 'Permitted', 'Disable', or 'According to the list'. To enable SIM card operation “According to the list in roaming” please enter MCC and MNC cellular networks to the Omnicomm Configurator.
“SMS”, switch on/switch off receipt of orders via SMS and sending of information messages by the Terminal. With the “SMS” parameter on, specify the following:
“Number for sending SMS”, select a telephone number to which the SMS with information on the Terminal and VH status.
“SMS template language”, select a language of the SMS template. You can select Russian, English, Spanish or Portuguese.
“Vehicle name”, please enter the vehicle name. This field is mandatory to fill in.
Ignition key status
Please refer to “Ignition Key Status”:
“Data source”, select the data that should be used to record the events of ignition being switched on or off. Here are the available options: “Ignition key”, this records the ignition being switched on or off by evaluating the position of the ignition key, given actual connection to the ignition key.
“On-Board Network Voltage”, this records the ignition being switched on or off by evaluating whether the on-board network voltage has reached a pre-configured threshold value. Select the “Threshold Voltage” value in order to define the on-board network voltage value that should trigger recognising the ignition state as “On”. The ignition “Off” state gets recognised as soon as the on-board network voltage falls at least 0.5 V below the threshold value.
Engine RPM
In the “Engine revolutions” section:
In the “Data source” select a type of signal. You can choose one of the following options:
- Off - Ignition key - CAN bus - RPM input
Calibrating RPM Input in Omnicomm Configurator
Start the vehicle engine. Adjust the engine rotations to ensure that the RPM rate is stable throughout the calibration process. Open the 'Inputs' tab and click on 'Calibrate'. You will be taken to the following screen:
In the “Engine RPM”, enter the number of engine revolutions according to the tachometer readings. Launch the calibration by clicking on the “Start Calibration” button. Wait for 15 seconds, and then click on the “Finish the calibration” button. The Omnicomm Configurator will determine the recalculation coefficient automatically. Save the recalculation coefficient in the Terminal by clicking on the “Record” button. Connect your tachometer to Smart Terminal according to the figure below:
The tachometer's point of connection must be one in the vehicle's electrical network where the impulse signal frequency is proportional to the engine RPM rate.
Open the “Settings” menu and select the “Additional Equipment” tab:
Accelerometer Parameters: Enable or disable these to switch the use of the accelerometer on or off in order to measure vehicle acceleration. “Dangerous driving detection” enable or disable to engage or disengage the evaluation of dangerous driving whenever pre-configured thresholds are exceeded.
If you choose to enable “Detect Dangerous Driving”, you will need to configure the following parameters: “Acceleration Threshold”, select the acceleration value during speeding up which must be exceeded to recognise the driving manner as dangerous.
“Slowdown threshold”, select the acceleration value during braking which must be exceeded to recongnise the driving manner as dangerous.
“Lateral acceleration threshold”, select the acceleration value during turning manoeuvres which must be exceeded to recongnise the driving manner as dangerous.
- Outgoing SMS Messages: Enable or disable outgoing SMS text messages whenever dangerous driving manner is recognised.
- Send Photo Upon Activation: Enable or disable outgoing digital photos whenever dangerous driving manner is recognised.