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Configuring General Settings

“Settings” tab, “Configurable Parameters” section:

“Network address” (1 to 254) – set the sensor network address. If several sensors are connected to one external device, each of them should have unique network addresses.

“Max. level (1…4095)” — select the maximum sensor reading. Default value – 4,095.

“Min. level (0…1023)” — select the minimum sensor reading. Default value – 0.

“Filtration” – set the output signal filtration parameters:

  • “No” – no filtration. Used for filtration by an external device.
  • “Minimum” filtration is used when the device is installed in stationary fuel storages and non-mobile machinery
  • “Average” filtration is used when the vehicle operates under normal road conditions
  • “Maximum” filtration is used when the vehicle operates under harsh road conditions

“Automatic data output” – select:

  • “No output” – no data output without request
  • “Binary” – autonomous binary data output
  • “Character” – autonomous character data output
  • “Data output interval” (1 to 255 seconds) – set the autonomous data output interval

“Heavy exploitation conditions” mode – switch on to enable additional measurement filtration that considers harsh conditions

“Baud rate” – select data exchange rate when communicating with an external device. Default value – 19200 bit/s.