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Data Transfer via Wi-Fi to the Communication Server

Configure the settings of the available Wi-Fi access point that will be used to transmit data to the communication server.

In the section “Access point for Omnicomm PORT”:

  • Open the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz tab, depending on the frequency of the Wi-Fi access point
  • “Network selection” - select “Manual input” or find the network name in the list
  • “Network name” - enter the name of the Wi-Fi access point if manual input was chosen. If you have selected a network name from the list, this field will be filled in automatically
  • “Password” - enter the password for the access point
  • “Encryption” - “WPA2-Personal”
  • “DHCP” - enable to automatically assign an IP address to the device. In this case, the assigned IP address will be displayed in the “Static IP” field

If you need to manually assign a static IP address to the device, uncheck the DHCP box. In the “Static IP” field, enter the IP address that you wish to assign to the device. Enter the subnet mask and addresses of DNS1 and DNS2 servers.

Settings of the Wi-Fi access point

There is no data transfer via satellite Internet channels.