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Omnicomm ICON Display

In the “Settings” tab select the “ICON” section from the list.

ICON settings

“ICON” – check the box to display the data from the terminal on the Omnicomm ICON display

  • “Network address” – select the display's network address. Possible values: from 7 to 254
  • “Select the time zone” - check the box to select your time zone relative to UTC. The time zone value is used when an automatic registration of time zones is not required

“Time zone” – select the time zone

  • “Receive messages from the dispatch via SMS” - check the box to show messages addressed to the terminal's SIM card on the display. Format of outgoing messages: D2d dispatcher text. Maximum message length: 128 characters.
  • “Notify on read messages via SMS” - check the box to send a notification when SMS messages have been read. Notifications will be sent to the dispatcher's number, indicated during the terminal setup (see Connection to the communication server)
  • “Notify on status change via SMS” - check the box to send a notification to the dispatcher's number when the driver's status changes. The notification will contain the driver's new status.
  • “Sound notification” - check the box to enable sound notifications when the terminal registers a new event, as specified during the terminal's setup.

In the “Settings” tab select the “Additional equipment” section from the list.

“Engine hours by RPM”, fill in the RPM to engine hours conversion table:

 Engine by RPM

Enter the RPM value in the “Revolutions per minute” field, in “Coefficient” field enter the value of conversion factor to calculate engine hours.

The conversion factors are determined based on the vehicle operating conditions. Maximum number of rows – 5.

The engine hours are displayed in hours with a decimal part (1.50 equals to 1 hour and 30 minutes) in the format HH.XX within the range of up to 100 engine hours and HHH.X for 100.0 - 999.9 engine hours. If the number of engine hours is higher than 1000, the last three significant digits and one symbol after the decimal point are displayed.

All engine hours are recorded in the terminal and sent to the CS as accrued total.

Connect the Omnicomm Smart, Light terminals to the Omnicomm ICON display as shown in the figure:

 Connection of several Omnicomm LLS sensors