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Refueler Statement

  1. Select one or several refuelers
  2. Select the time period for report generation
  3. Press the “Add report” button and select “Refueler Statement”

A report on the refueler will be displayed in the program window:

The «Refueler statement» report

To select the information displayed in the report, right-click and select “Report settings”:

Setting up the «Refueler statement» report

General information in the report:

  • “Total dispensing volume,l” - the total amount of fuel dispensed during the report period
  • “Total amount of dispensing” - the number of fuel dispensing operations for the report period
  • “Total dispensing volume without a refueling receiver” - the volume of fuel dispensed by a fuel tanker without a corresponding refueled vehicle
  • “Number of dispensing without a refueling receiver” - the number of dispensing operations performed by a fuel tanker without a corresponding refueled vehicle
  • “Volume of dispensing compared to the relevant refueling, l” - the volume of fuel dispensed by the fuel tanker with a corresponding refueled vehicle
  • “Volume of losses, l” - the difference between the volumes of dispensed and received fuel
  • “Total volume on the meter at the beginning of the period” (when only one refueler is selected) - fuel volume according to the meter at the beginning of the period
  • “Total volume on the meter at the end of the period” (when only one refueler is selected) - fuel volume according to the meter at the end of the period

The report contains the following information:

  • Dispensing source - name of the refueler
  • Start of dispensing - date and time of the start of the fuel dispensing operation
  • End of dispensing - date and time of the end of the fuel dispensing operation
  • RFID / iButton - the number of the RFID tag or iButton key presented at the refueler:
    • within 60 seconds before the fuel dispensing
    • within allowed dispensing period that can be set in the vehicle profile (see Omnicomm Online. Administration Guide).
    • before removing the RFID tag or iButton key
  • The card has been assigned - full name of the key or card holder
  • Receiver - name of the vehicle that is being refilled
  • Recipient of refueling - name of the refueled vehicle
  • Start of refueling - date and time of the start of refueling
  • End of refueling - date and time of the end of refueling
  • Match type - the method used to match the source of dispensing and the refueled vehicle. Possible options: coordinates and time, iButton key, RFID card, fuel card, document.
  • Driver's name - full name of the driver of the refueled vehicle. The driver's name is displayed depending on the type of match:
    • iButton key, RFID card - full name of the key or card holder
    • coordinates and time - full name of the driver registered on the refueled vehicle
  • Refueling volume - the volume of the fuel filled in the vehicle
  • Dispensing volume - the volume of the fuel dispensed by the fuel tanker
  • Deviation, l - the difference between the refilled volume and the dispensed volume in liters
  • Deviation, % - the difference between the refilled volume and the dispensed volume in percentage
  • Refueling source address - the address at which the start of fuel dispensing was recorded
  • Refueling receiver address - the address at which the start of vehicle refueling was recorded
  • Source group – the vehicle group to which the fuel tanker belongs
  • Receiver group – the vehicle group to which the refueled vehicle belongs

The fuel dispensing log is associated with the following reports: “Fuel dispensing”, “Fuel dispensing, tanking, and draining”, “Refueling and draining”, “Fuel volume”, “Events”, “Log”, “Track”.