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Driving Style Analysis

The Driving style Analysis report displays only violations recorded according to the list of bad habits, see [[https://doc.omnicomm.ltd/en/online-user | Omnicomm Online. Administration Guide ]]. Section [[https://doc.omnicomm.ltd/en/online-user | "Bad Habits"]]. A violation with all simultaneously recorded conditions (event, weather conditions, time of day) of the corresponded bad habit shall be displayed. If the “Safe Driving” function is enabled and the list of bad habits is not completed, the default list of bad habits is used.

В отчете «Анализ манеры вождения» отображаются только нарушения, зафиксированные согласно перечню плохих привычек см. Omnicomm Online. Руководство по администрированию. Раздел «Плохие привычки». Для отображения нарушения должны быть одновременно зафиксированы все условия плохой привычки (событие, погодные условия, время суток). В случае если услуга «Безопасное вождение» включена и перечень плохих привычек не заполнен, используется перечень плохих привычек по умолчанию.

  1. Select the drivers, the vehicles or the geofence.
  2. Select the time period.
  3. Press the “Add report” button and select “Driving style analysis”.

The graph displays the dynamics of the driver violations changes evaluated in points over the time.

The pie chart displays the distribution of the violations by type.

The table report contains the following data:

Driver – details of the driver registered on the vehicle

Vehicle - the name of the vehicle

Geofence – the name of the geofence inside which the violation was recorded

Violations – number of recorded violations during the period

% of violations – percentage of total points for the evaluated violations of all objects over the selected time period

Penalty points - the amount of the points corresponding to each violation according to the bad habits settings

To display the habits with the corresponded violations recorded, click the Show details link.

To display a report for an individual object, double-click on the vehicle name, driver or geofence. The report on the selected object will open:

To return to the list of objects, click the Back link.

To save the report to a file, right-click and select “Export to xls file.”