Operation for the Period
- Select a VH
- Select a period of time for report generation
- Press the button “Add report” and select “Diagram: Operation for the Period”
In the program window the report on VH engine revolutions will display for the selected period.
The following color designations are used in the report:
- Green color - the part of the period when VH was in motion
- Yellow color - the part of the period when VH worked at idle
- Red color - the part of the period when the vehicle was idle, i.e. it was with the engine off
- Gray color - the part of the period for which information has not arrived yet (for example, when report generation for the current day from 00:00 to 23:59 with the current time of 20:00 it will be shown that there is no information for 4 hours) or it is absent
The report displays the time in hours and as a percentage of the total time of the period that the vehicle was in motion, worked at idle and was with the engine off.