- Select a driver or vehicle
- Select a period of time
- Press the “Add report” button and select “Violations”
For vehicles equipped with video recording terminals:
![]() | The video is available for viewing. Click on the icon to watch the video. |
![]() | The video can be requested. |
![]() | Video requesting in progress. |
Select information to be displayed in the report by pressing the right mouse button and choosing “Report settings”:
In the “Fuel” and “Fuel (additional tank)” sections:
- Draining is a volume of drained fuel exceeding value “Fuel draining threshold” set up in the VH profile
- LLS failure is a date and time of start of LLS liquid level sensor failure
- End of LLS failure is a date and time when LLS liquid level sensor failure ended
In the “Movement” section:
- Standstill is a standstill over quantity of minutes set in the VH profile. Standstill shall be recorded upon the following conditions: ignition is OFF and speed is less than 2 km/h
- Stoppage shall be recorded upon the following conditions: ignition ON and speed is less than 2 km/h. The address shall not be recorded for stoppages
- Acceleration exceeds the permissible value — excession of the maximum allowed acceleration set in the VH profile
- Exceeding the speed allowed is exceeding maximum allowed speed set in the VH profile
- Beginning of exceeding the speed threshold inside the geofence is date and time of start of the allowable speed exceed when the VH is in the geofence
- End of exceeding the speed threshold inside the geofence is date and time of speed limit excess, when the VH is in the geofence
In the “Engine” section:
- Exceeding of the permissible RPM value means exceeding of maximum allowed level of engine RPMs set in the VH profile
In the “Other” section:
- Incorrect registration of a driver is an application of the I-Button with the identification number not registered in Omnicomm Online or application of the I- Button with the identification number registered for a driver, which has a “Fired” status in Omnicomm Online
- Device tampering is actuation of a device-tampering sensor (only for Omnicomm Profi 2.0 Terminal)
- Pressing the panic button is actuation of the panic button
In the “Auxiliary equipment” section:
- Exceeding of permissible value for auxiliary equipment - readings from auxiliary equipment exceed the limits set in vehicles profile
- Universal Input 1 actuation in discrete mode is control over actuation of universal input No. 1 of discrete type taking in account VH speed. In case there is no actuation, a violation will be recorded
- Universal Input 2 actuation in discrete mode is control over actuation of universal input No. 2 of discrete type taking in account VH speed. In case there is no actuation, a violation will be recorded
In the “Routes” section:
- Start of the trip is a deviation from the planned start of the trip, if the planned time of the trip start is set in the settings
- Visiting the control points is deviation from planned visiting of the control points, if the planned time of visiting is given in settings of the control points and control of control points visiting is ON
- Overriding route borders — exiting geofence limiting the route
- Trip completion — deviations on trip completion : deviation from trip completed to scheduled trip completion, completion of trip upon maximum allowed duration of trip control, the trip did not take place, the trip was forced to be completed
In the “Safe driving” section:
- Movement with headlights off
- Movement with unfastened seatbelts
- Exceeding of maximum speed limit
- Exceeding of allowed speed limit
- Short-term exceeding of maximum speed limit
- Short-term exceeding of allowed speed limit
- Exceeding the threshold of positive acceleration
- Exceeding the threshold of negative acceleration
- Exceeding the threshold of lateral acceleration
- Exceeding the threshold of vertical acceleration
- Allowed turning speed exceeding
- Maximum turning speed exceeding
- Traffic violation. Overspeeding
- Long-term idle engine operation
- Operation with cold engine
- Operation with overheated engine
- Operation in low RPM mode
- Operation in high RPM mode
- No valid GPS data
A description of data sources for safe driving parameters is provided in Omnicomm Online Administration Manual. The "Bad habits" section.
“Display event addresses” - check the box to display the address where the violation was recorded.
“Duration threshold” - enter the time period for which it is allowed to exceed the maximum allowable or the maximum speed, without a violation being recorded.
Duration threshold is used for the following events:
- Briefly exceeded the speed threshold
- Exceeding of maximum speed limit
- Exceeding of allowed speed limit
- Short-term exceeding of maximum speed limit
- Short-term exceeding of allowable speed limit
- Traffic violation. Overspeeding
The report contains the following information:
- Vehicle means a registration number or a unique vehicle name
- Date and time are date and time when Omnicomm Online has identified a violation
- Violation is one of violations selected to be displayed in the report
- Parameters mean a parameter typical for a particular type of violation. For example, in case of draining is a volume of fuel and time during which the draining took place
- Address is an address at which Omnicomm Online has identified a violation
In the “Address Display Settings” section select:
- Display the address - turn on to display the address of the current vehicle location
- All - turn on to display the complete vehicle address
- Abbreviations - turn on to abbreviate address parameters (such as st., ave.)
Select the parameters to display in the address:
- Country
- Region
- City/Town
- Street
- Building
- Zip code