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Site Tools

Job Status

  1. Select the vehicle or the driver
  2. Select the time period for report generation
  3. Press the “Add report” button and select “Job status”

«Job status» report

Possible status values:

«Job status» report

To select the information displayed in the report, right-click and select “Report settings”:

«Job status» report settings

The “Cross-section report” section - information at the current time:

  • Driver's name - the name of the driver registered at the identification
  • Consumption by CAN
  • Vehicle's mileage (CAN), km
  • Status Selection Date
  • Current location
  • Ignition flag
  • Key - ignition key status Possible values: on, off

The “Detailed Report” section - information about the statuses for the period of report generation:

  • Driver's name
  • Start date
  • End date
  • Status duration
  • Consumption by CAN, l
  • Fuel consumption, l
  • Status start location
  • Status end location
  • Mileage at the beginning of status activation
  • Mileage at status expiry
  • Status expiry date
  • Vehicle's mileage (CAN), km
  • Mileage during the period of status activation according to GPS, km

To send a message to drivers:

  1. Select a vehicle
  2. Right-click and select “Send a message to the driver”. Maximum message length: 128 characters.

Send message

If necessary, you can select multiple vehicles to simultaneously send them the message.